There Ought To Be A Law

Have you ever been in a situation that made you wonder, "why is that not a law"?
This is your chance to share your ideas with me!

Representative Terry Canales is unveiling his "There Ought to be a Law" contest for residents of the District 40. The contest invites community members to submit ideas and proposals for a new state law.

Entries can touch on a wide range of issues that can be addressed by legislation and will improve the quality of life in our communities and throughout the state of Texas. Applications can be submitted online and are now due by November 1st 2014

Requirements to Participate:

The contest is open to residents of the District 40 and people of all ages are encouraged to enter. We especially encourage high school and college students in District 40 to participate.

What happens if your idea is chosen?

Representative Canales will choose one winner from the contest. The winner will have the opportunity to travel to Austin to testify before a House Committee on the merits of the bill, receive a resolution, and have lunch with Representative Canales. Submissions will be accepted by e-mail or mail. Remember, the deadline for entries is November 1, 2014.

Submit Online:

» Contest Form

Submit by Mail or Email (PDF forms):

» Contest Form


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