Canales questions checkpoints.

Terry Canales Questions DPS Checkpoint Operations, Residents Say DPS In Cahoots With Border Patrol

Omar Araiza, Burnt Orange Report

State Representative Terry Canales, D-Edinburg, is joining the voices of many Rio Grande Valley residents outraged at the Texas Department of Public Safety for allegedly lying when it says its troopers are not checking immigration status at its random checkpoints in the Valley.

Many random checkpoints have been set in the Valley by DPS seemingly set to target low income, economically disadvantaged areas. DPS has said the temporary checkpoints are in place to check if drivers have a valid driver's license and auto insurance, and that they are not checking the immigrant status of drivers. Yet Canales and Valley residents are not buying their story.

Some residents are reporting having been taken into custody by Border Patrol because of not being able to produce papers to vouch for their legal residency. Others are saying having seen Border Patrol parked a block away from these random checkpoints, waiting for a call from DPS to arrest people without documents.


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