More than $183 million sought by Rep. Canales for new construction at UTPA, UT-Brownsville
DAVID A. DÍAZ, My Harlingen News
As much as $183.3 million could be generated for critical new construction at the University of Texas-Pan American and UT-Brownsville under legislation being supported by Rep. Terry Canales, D-Edinburg.
The funding request for the local universities is featured in two major proposals – each approaching $2.7 billion for new projects at college campuses throughout Texas – filed during the ongoing 30-day special session of the Texas Legislature, which began on May 31.
However, only the governor can call a special session of the Legislature, and only the governor can decide what legislation may be considered by state lawmakers during a special session.
The House District 40 state representative wants Gov. Rick Perry to add the university funding legislation to the special session.
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