A law that went into effect today allows for Texas anglers and hunters to provide proof that they own a license through their phones, a move that helps modernize an age-old process. The bill, HB547, was put forth by District 40 Rep. Terry Canales.
The days of scrambling for your wallet when you spot a Texas Game Warden walking down the pier or toward your deer stand are over.
A law that went into effect today allows for Texas anglers and hunters to provide proof that they own a license through their phones, a move that helps modernize an age-old process.
In the past, hunters and anglers could be charged with a Class C misdemeanor and fined up to $500 for failing to provide a license. Now, the new law allows outdoors enthusiasts the ease of providing a photo of the license or proof through an "internet website" like the Texas Outdoor Annual TPWD app.
The bill, HB547, was put forth by District 40 Rep. Terry Canales. It was signed by Gov. Greg Abbott on May 16. Paper licenses are not totally a thing of the past, however.
The bill does have a caveat that clears telecommunications providers of liability, which means when the game warden finds you deep in the South Texas brush or one of the many rural spots in Texas where cell service is often spotty at best, then you might find yourself in a tough spot while desperately holding your phone to the sky in a futile attempt to download your license. It is probably best to take a photo of your license on your way out of the store as a contingency plan.
Also, paper licenses will still be required for tagging and supplemental licenses like federal duck stamps.
Article by Texas Tribune's BY Matt Wyatt
Full Article Can be found here: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/sports/outdoors/article/Texas-hunting-and-fishing-licenses-go-digital-14406212.php
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